Shipping Policy

Kshiramrut is dedicated to the timely and efficient delivery of your dairy products. Please note that free shipping is available exclusively during promotional campaigns and special offers. Currently, we ship only to Pune and Mumbai, with plans for expansion to other locations soon.

Our shipping policy is as follows:

  • Accurate and complete address information, including postal code, email address, and contact number, is required for order fulfillment. Please verify your postal code and contact number before finalizing your purchase.
  • Orders containing only in-stock items are typically processed and shipped within three business days.
  • If any items within your order are currently out of stock, they will be manufactured and dispatched within ten business days of order confirmation. You will be notified promptly of any such delays.
  • Our logistics partners provide delivery services between the hours of 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM, Monday through Saturday, excluding public holidays and Sundays. Please be aware that delivery timelines are subject to external factors, including but not limited to inclement weather and unforeseen carrier delays.
  • Upon shipment, you will receive an email notification containing your order’s tracking information.